Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mother's Day already?!

Where has the time gone?  Parker turned one yesterday and I swear it was the fastest year of my life - no doubt.  Soon we get to celebrate one of my personal favorites - Mother's Day!  Before having kids, Mother's Day meant scrambling last minute to find something to give as a present for my mom.  Her birthday is in May also so it was always a doozie trying to get two gifts within the same month.  Now that I'm a mom as well, the holiday has taken on an entirely new (and more meaningful) meaning.  I get presents now too!  Just kidding (well kinda).  But seriously, where would we be without our moms?  Nowhere.  Literally.  Failing to exist.  I mean how heavy is that?! 

My mom's the best.  THE best.  Perfectly suited to fit where I need her to fit - to fill in my gaps when I need that word of encouragement (or swift kick in the pants).  Whatever I need.  I remember back in college when I was trying to be all independent and "I don't need my parents for anything - I'm grown."  I had a wreck.  Nothing major, but my first wreck.  No major drama just enough to traumatize me in my youth.  ;)  My parents were two hours away and my mom was my first call.  I swear all it took was hearing her voice and I lost it.  Complete blubbering idiot "I want my mommy!" lost it.  So there I was standing in Auburn being a big, cool college student bawling to my mommy.  But isn't it great to have someone in your life like that?  Your lifeline when things just look too big to deal with by yourself.  My friends are great, my sister is great, my husband is GREAT but my mom rocks my socks off.  Repeatedly.

Shutterfly's got some great options for Mother's Day.  Some of my favorites are:

Mother’s Day photobook .  I made these for both mine & my sisters weddings and they were and still are a big hit.  We just recently had a family photo shoot and voila!  Photo book!  They even put it together for you!  And then you get to take the credit!  Wahoo!

And who wants to fight their way into (and back out of) the card aisle at Walmart anyway?  Save the drama and let Shutterfly handle it for you! 
Mother’s Day Cards

And feel free to pair the Shutterfly cards with a Shutterfly gift appropriately themed for the big day!  I mean really though - what mom doesn't want something with their grandkids pictures on it?  They're babies to play with and then send home with someone else!  Perfection!  Personalized gifts for Mom

Any of my lovely readers out there fellow bloggers?  Want some free stuff from Shutterfly?  Why wouldn't you - they rock!   Click here to sign up for a chance at 50 free cards from Shutterfly

Now go - be creative.  Aim high - go for tears this year!  Make!  Her!  Cry!  

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas Cards

Many Memories Tree Christmas 5x7 folded card
Shop for elegant Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a Sunshiny, Warm-Weathered, Blue Water and White Sands Christmas

Man, I'm not looking forward to winter!  Hopefully with the super sweltering summer we had, we'll have a mild winter.  Right?  Right?!  I'd rather not reminisce about the feet of snow we'd have to dig out from under when we lived up north.  I'm perfectly content in my deep South environment where snow once a year is "an event" and if it covers the grass - well we might as well make that a holiday!

One thing I do like about the cool weather is the holidays.  Thanksgiving being my favorite because we always seem to get most of the family in the same place at the same time for that one.  But since getting married and subsequently having children, the Christmas season means it's time to catch our long-lost friends and family up on what's happened to us in the last 365 days.  Three Christmases ago I was pregnant with Peyton.  Two Christmases ago Peyton was 4 months old.  1 Christmas ago Peyton was walking and I was pregnant with Parker.  And this Christmas Peyton is 2 years old and Parker will be 8 months old!  Wow how things change!!! 

I love to receive Christmas cards with the letters in them with everyone's comings and goings.  I think I've actually managed to get my act together and do that one time.  Before kids.  I'm lucky to get my teeth brushed most mornings so sitting down and composing a letter is pretty much a pipe dream at the moment.  Maybe when the girls are a little older and don't want to pry the keys off my laptop. 

We like to send out photo cards each year.  It's a quick look at a family picture with a little note.  Not as personal as a letter, but not as impersonal as a generic card with a "Merry Christmas.  Love, The Childress Family."  My favorite site for these photo cards has always been Shutterfly.  I've got literally hundreds of albums stored on this site and have plenty of options to choose from - too many probably.

I will actually go ahead and recommend Shutterfly for anyone who's interested in going this route.  You can visit the options at the following links:

Even better - Shutterfly is offering 20% off all holiday cards!  Check it out here:

Have fun with it!  The sky's the limit! 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

September 28th, 2010

Hanging out with Aubie at the Birmingham Zoo!

Playing with Parker in her Jumperoo

September 27th, 2010

Cheesin' for the camera!

Monday, October 4, 2010