Friday, March 26, 2010

Wow! Time Flies!

So I almost let myself go a full week without blogging - almost blew the  "2 months late New Year's Resolution."  Let's see where we are...I've got 24 more days left to be pregnant.  That's 3 1/2 weeks.  Part of me, okay a big part of me, is so ready to not be pregnant anymore.  Sleep has gotten to be pretty much impossible, indigestion makes a regular appearance from things seemingly harmless like water, and I just keep getting bigger by the minute.  But then another part of me will miss the prospect of being pregnant again...but not too much.  We're done after Parker.  D-O-N-E.  Parker was a surprise - still is actually - and we're still a little shell-shocked from that realization.  "You're WHAT?  Pregnant?  WHAT?!"  I'll never forget the blank stare I got from my mom followed by "But you're my planner!"  Well guess what Mom, some things just aren't planned.

So with 24 days left we're trying to cram in all the fun stuff we can with Peyton before we completely rock her world.  It's going to be interesting around our house to say the least. 

Last weekend we had some good weather and went back to one of Peyton's favorite places - the petting zoo.  The baby lambs we got her pictures made with in December are almost taller than Peyton now.  And they were super interested in her and all the corn she was toting around. 

Two hours outside with barn animals was just not enough for this little one so we had to go back outside once we got home.  We're screwed when she gets her own swingset.  We may have to move her crib into the backyard.  Her and Daddy played in the yard while a very pregnant Mommy sat in the lawn chair and snapped pictures like they were going out of style.

We've switched to going to church in the evenings on Sunday because it's easier on everyone involved.  Peyton gets her naps in and we have a couple less meltdowns because of it.  Win-win for all!  And who would want to mess with the naps when this is the reward for her being rested? 
Sunday afternoon we went to celebrate Hayden's 1st birthday party with a houseful of friends and family.  Peyton gorged herself on the duck shaped cake and chocolate cupcakes.  Who am I kidding - we all did! 
The birthday boy testing out his cake!
Laura & Peyton - suprising us all she kept the hat on through the entire party!  A little fashionista in the making!  She definitely didn't get that from me!
This weekend is shaping up to be another pretty Saturday followed with a cold & rainy Sunday.  I'm hoping we'll get the master bathroom tiled before Parker gets here.  Pictures on Monday if we actually get that project crossed off our list.  Happy weekend!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Guess Who Rules Our Roost!

So this age that Peyton's in is very demanding...just as she is very demanding.  Evenings after work are a battle of who's the most tired, when are we going outside, and how do we cram dinner, bath, and playtime in a little over 2 hours?  It's a marathon to say the least!  Sometimes we considerate ourselves victorious if we can keep the meltdowns to under 5 a night.  And just sometimes...we'll do whatever it takes to avoid one all together...

Like standing on the counter and exploring the cabinets (excuse the mess)...

Check out how civilized we are drinking our pink milk out of a sippy covered in a coozie!  She might be a sorority girl afterall! 
And one last one that's just too cute to pass up.  A smile...on camera...documented...AMAZING! 
It's supposed to be 70 and sunny this weekend - hallelujah!  We've had rain upon rain upon more rain so a sunny weekend is something we're all very excited about.  Can't wait to throw this girly out in the backyard for more exploration!  Have a good one!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Things I'm Thankful For

1.  Uneventful doctor's appointments
2.  Only having 33 days until we meet Parker
3.  Awesome friends & family
4.  Sister-in-law's that want to keep Peyton for the day
5.  Already having a stockpile of Pampers
6.  Gestational diabetes being a short-term condition
7.  Eating as many carbs as I want on Parker's birthday
8.  Pedicures with good friends
9.  Nightly backrubs at 8+ months pregnant
10.  The sun!  Haven't seen it much lately so I'm including it as a hint - so...hint hint!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Letter to Peyton - 19 Months

Happy 19 month birthday little girl! This is your next to last "month-day" as an only child. Part of me feels as if I'm taking something away from you by having to split my attention between you and Parker when you've had my undivided attention for this long. But then the other part of me can't wait to see how fantastic of a big sister you're going to be! I hope you and Parker have as wonderful of a relationship as me and your Aunt Susan have. As your Neena always said "Friends will come and go but sisters are forever."

I can't believe it's been 19 months since we brought you home from the hospital. You've grown so much and you keep growing. Learning new things everyday that never cease to amaze us. I think KNOW you're destined for greatness. I swear that you know exactly what we're saying to you even if you can't speak the same words to us.

Look at how amazing you are:

  • When we come in your room in the morning, you greet us with the sweetest laughter like the two of us just made your day and all we did was walk in your door. How do you have a bad day when each one starts so great?!
  • Every morning we count your paci's as we put them back in the box (in a covert attempt to wean you from them). We count each paci as it goes in the box and it's so cute to watch you dive when you spot one and pick up your blanket to make sure none are hiding under there. The game is not complete until all are gathered, counted, and we've high-fived your accomplishment!
  • You have learned to say the word "sit" and while saying it you'll pat the floor or chair in the exact spot you want us to sit. I've found myself sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor, a full 8+ months pregnant wondering how in the world I'm going to get myself back upright, but not caring because in that moment you wanted me to sit right there beside you, and I did.
  • Your Daddy has been traveling more lately and each morning when you notice that he's not around, you'll call out for him over and over "Di-ee! Di-ee!" I know he loves that you miss him but it makes it that much harder for him to be away.
  • You love Tanner with every little fiber of your being. Affectionately calling her "Bobo" and sharing with her whatever you're snacking on at the moment. Last night it was Fruity Pebbles and before that Cheerios. You insist on giving her her treat when we're on our way out the door and will make us give her another one if we forget that it's your inherited duty.
  • You have 16 teeth already! Your Neena - the dental hygienist - was even surprised at how many teeth you've got this early. We have to play a game to get you to let us check and see how many you have where you think you're getting to bite us. Sometimes you'll manage a good chomp and then let out a little sadistic laugh as if you're thinking "Stick your finger in there again sucker!" You have an awesome sense of humor.
  • You love being outside and your Daddy is thrilled about this! You couldn't care less what the weather's like out there - you just want to be out! I foresee many sweaty, summer days in the backyard and think we better start thinking pretty seriously about a swing set and soon!
  • You love to dance! We often turn the radio on as soon as we get home in the evening for our own little dancefest in the kitchen complete with out-of-rhythm foot stomping, hand clapping, and arms-in-the-air circle-spinning! I love to see you dance - could watch you for hours actually.
I could literally write a list a mile long and still think of things you are learning on a daily basis. You amaze me. I love your heart, your independent streak, and how strong-willed you are (even when we're not seeing eye-to-eye on the dangers of climbing onto the kitchen table). I love the shrieks and laughter greetings I get every evening when I get home from work. It never gets any easier for me to leave you each day. And I know I drive too fast to get home just so I can see you as soon as I walk in the door.
I love you Miss Peyton Childress.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Things I'm Thankful For

Tough times lately - nothing dealing directly with our family but things that make you so thankful for your loved ones and what you have. So here it is - my dose of reality for the week.

Things I'm Thankful For
1. 10 healthy toes & 10 healthy fingers
2. Being lucky enough to raise a very "spirited" child
3. Belly laughs
4. Big smiles first thing in the morning
5. High fives
6. Kisses and hugs
7. Healthy pregnancies
8. Food in my cupboard and a roof over my head
9. A wonderful husband
10. Peyton's favorite word at the moment being "Mama"

That's it for now - this will be a weekly thing for me because I think stopping to write this stuff down makes you actually realize how lucky you are.

God never gives you more than you can handle. RIP Layla Grace.

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Baby Shower!

I am so fortunate to have a group of completely awesome friends who insisted on throwing a shower for Parker. I really didn't need anything in particular since Peyton is only 18 months and her stuff is either still in use or just recently put in storage. So I requested it simply be a diaper shower. Not surprising though that diapers were only some of what I got - but definitely not all!

Ironically enough all these friends and I had babies at about the same time - I'm the only crazy one to put two this close together. The ratio of babies to adults was pretty much 1:1. We had a great time and it was so nice to get all my favorite people together in the same place! Here's a few pics from the day.
Peyton & Hayden playing in my Pappy's Penn State rocking chair - he'd be so proud!
Peyton taking off with some of the presents - sneaky little devil!