Sunday, June 6, 2010

So apparently 2 under 2 is not a joke!

I suck.  I know.  I looked at the last blog entry I made and it was over 2 months ago!  And guess what - I've got a seven week old.  See the correlation?!  Craziness.  That's pretty  much how my life's been since April 13th @ 12:35pm.  Everyone's great.  Parker's got colic so my evenings are mass chaos.  Peyton's exhibiting quite an attitude for her little 22-month self.  Wayne's been busy with work.  And me?  Well I'm just in survival mode on a day-to-day basis. 

I won't make any big promises on a post a day or anything delusional like that...but at least I'm back on the wagon. 

Here's a few teaser pics from the Botanical Gardens today.  We went - and it was H-O-T.  But we managed a few good pics out of it...enjoy!