Friday, March 26, 2010

Wow! Time Flies!

So I almost let myself go a full week without blogging - almost blew the  "2 months late New Year's Resolution."  Let's see where we are...I've got 24 more days left to be pregnant.  That's 3 1/2 weeks.  Part of me, okay a big part of me, is so ready to not be pregnant anymore.  Sleep has gotten to be pretty much impossible, indigestion makes a regular appearance from things seemingly harmless like water, and I just keep getting bigger by the minute.  But then another part of me will miss the prospect of being pregnant again...but not too much.  We're done after Parker.  D-O-N-E.  Parker was a surprise - still is actually - and we're still a little shell-shocked from that realization.  "You're WHAT?  Pregnant?  WHAT?!"  I'll never forget the blank stare I got from my mom followed by "But you're my planner!"  Well guess what Mom, some things just aren't planned.

So with 24 days left we're trying to cram in all the fun stuff we can with Peyton before we completely rock her world.  It's going to be interesting around our house to say the least. 

Last weekend we had some good weather and went back to one of Peyton's favorite places - the petting zoo.  The baby lambs we got her pictures made with in December are almost taller than Peyton now.  And they were super interested in her and all the corn she was toting around. 

Two hours outside with barn animals was just not enough for this little one so we had to go back outside once we got home.  We're screwed when she gets her own swingset.  We may have to move her crib into the backyard.  Her and Daddy played in the yard while a very pregnant Mommy sat in the lawn chair and snapped pictures like they were going out of style.

We've switched to going to church in the evenings on Sunday because it's easier on everyone involved.  Peyton gets her naps in and we have a couple less meltdowns because of it.  Win-win for all!  And who would want to mess with the naps when this is the reward for her being rested? 
Sunday afternoon we went to celebrate Hayden's 1st birthday party with a houseful of friends and family.  Peyton gorged herself on the duck shaped cake and chocolate cupcakes.  Who am I kidding - we all did! 
The birthday boy testing out his cake!
Laura & Peyton - suprising us all she kept the hat on through the entire party!  A little fashionista in the making!  She definitely didn't get that from me!
This weekend is shaping up to be another pretty Saturday followed with a cold & rainy Sunday.  I'm hoping we'll get the master bathroom tiled before Parker gets here.  Pictures on Monday if we actually get that project crossed off our list.  Happy weekend!


  1. Hope you can get the bath done, and Wayne survives another weekend. Just keep your shoes on! Love you and P and P and Wee.

  2. Hey Bethany! I found you on FB & sent you a friend request! While looking at your info I found your blog! I had no idea you were expecting again! Congratulations! Can't wait to see some pictures and keep up with you on FB! Peyton is precious!
